Welcome to
First Presbyterian Church
110 S. Marietta Street
St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950
Phone: (740) 695-0690
225 Years of Serving the Lord Together
Dr. Millard Neal - Music Director/Organist
Discovering God's Direction and Responding with
Deeper Obedience and Love
First Presbyterian is a member of the Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery.
Below is their mission statement. More information may be found on their website at:
Mission Statement Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery
We are a diverse people - urban and rural, poor and rich, people of steel, coal, factory and farm, heirs of various ethnic and Appalachian cultures. We live with social, theological, political and economic tension but we are made one in Christ.
We are Christians in the Reformed Tradition, called to be in covenant relationship with God and with one another. We will encourage one another, support one another, strengthen one another and do ministry together in service to God to the glory of Jesus Christ.
We believe God loves us, frees us, and offers us wholeness through the grace of Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus Christ is God with us and has authority over us. We believe the Holy Spirit empowers us to accept and use God's gifts. We believe the Old and New Testaments are the inspired written Word of God that reveals God to us and instructs us in faithful living. We believe the church is the body of Christ calling us into family relationship to minister globally, regionally and locally.
We tell and celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ in Presbytery, in churches and in communities through word and deed. We work together as congregations to carry out the mission of the churches and the Presbytery; to engage in evangelism, education and service. We strive to promote justice and righteousness. We encourage, support and challenge congregations as they minister. We nurture the growth and health of congregations, church professionals and their families. We interpret the work of the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly to the sessions and congregations of our presbytery; and we represent the concerns of our members to Synod and General Assembly. We uphold and interpret the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) within the Reformed Tradition.
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive our church newsletter, The Timely Tidings, to keep up to date with news and events in the life of our church.
Check out photos of the Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery delegation's visit to our sister church in the Domasi Presbytery in Malawi, Africa.